Research in 60 Seconds: Studying Natural Disasters to Enhance Emergency Response

I was recently featured in University of Central Florida’s Research in 60 Seconds series, where, I explain how I am using machine learning and statistical methods in my research for understanding weather and climatic drivers linked to natural disasters and developing an impact-based approach to better understand where and when multi-hazards have happened in the U.S., their associated socio-economic impacts and assessing compounding effects of climate/weather extremes.

Thanks to the University of Central Florida for giving me an opportunity to be part of the “My Research in 60 Seconds” series.

If you’re interested in learning more about my research, read the full article published in UCF Today about my research.👇

Research in 60 Seconds: Studying Natural Disasters to Enhance Emergency Response

Javed Ali
Water Resources Engineer & Doctoral Researcher

My research involves multi-hazards risk assessment and analyzing compound climate and weather extreme events to better understand their interrelationships at different spatial and temporal scales as well as assessing their corresponding socio-economic impacts using machine learning and statistical methods.

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