Study of Water Quality of Shallow Groundwater


Survival of living organism and socioeconomic development depend largely on the availability of water. Ground water is a main source of water for irrigation, industries, recreation, domestic and drinking purpose. With the increasing population and industries, the requirement of water is increasing day by day and as industries are growing the pollutants from these are also increasing and so the quality is decreasing day by day at an alarming rate. The present study had been conducted in the Sitarganj area of Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, Indiato study the physico-chemical characteristics of water from the shallow aquifer and the extent of pollution and to judge the suitability of water for irrigation, industrial and domestic use. In this study, it was found that the shallow aquifer ground water was not safe for the drinking purpose with respect to all the parameters taken together. But it was found that water samples from most of the locations were suitable for irrigation purpose.

In Advances in Applied Science Research, 6(10), pp. 78-87
Javed Ali
Water Resources Engineer & Doctoral Researcher

My research involves multi-hazards risk assessment and analyzing compound climate and weather extreme events to better understand their interrelationships at different spatial and temporal scales as well as assessing their corresponding socio-economic impacts using machine learning and statistical methods.
