climate change

Clean, Affordable, and Resilient Energy Systems (CARES) for Socially Vulnerable and At-Risk Communities

Developing a geospatial framework to optimize the deployment of solar-plus-storage for the most vulnerable and at-risk communities in Central Florida and the Florida Panhandle.

Geomorphic versus Climatic Drivers of Changing Coastal Flood Risk

Coastal flooding is one of the most dangerous and damaging natural hazards that societies face, and coastal development and climate change are causing a dramatic rise in vulnerability. Since the 19th century, estuary channels have typically been deepened and widened by a factor of two or three, harbor entrances have been deepened and streamlined, and a large proportion of wetlands have been filled over and replaced with neighborhoods. Such geomorphic changes increase flood risk by reducing natural resistance to storm surge and tides.

The New First Line of Defense: Building Community Resilience through Residential Risk Disclosure

HazardAware helps residents and community planners make their homes and communities more resilient to natural hazards.